Tuesday, July 03, 2012

We're six!

Shout-outs to the following Hot Crossers:

Alan Summers
Annie Jeffries
Cathy Dineen
Carol Ruth Kimmel
Chris Gill
Dawn Mok
Gillena Cox
Guhan Subramaniam
Ian Row
James Fetherson
James Von Sutekh
Jason Rostant
Jeff Patterson
Jenny Morris
Karen McVean
Kenton Miller
Megan Maley
Natalie Au
Neil Krieger
Sophie Buchanan
Simon Patience
Sue Ficke Siebert
Violette Rose-Jones
And to everyone who’s been following the blog and everyone who’s 
part of the Facebook group, thank you for your continued support.
Teddy Pendergrass
Soul man sings from heart, and mind

Ian Row