Sunday, March 15, 2009

at last, i've found you
next week, all will be revealed
and we, unravelled

Ian Row


Anonymous said...

This is mysterious!

Emma Dalloway said...

at last, I found you! Ive been looking for Australian haiku bloggers - and here you are. Granted this is probably a limited field.

If you know of others please let me know. Once I get a few I'll add a link to my blog.


Hot Cross Haiku said...

I don't know of any other oz haiku blogs - I'm sure there are a few. But please don't let that stop you from adding a link to yr blog... ;-)

Hot Cross Haiku said...

Dalloway, what a fascinating blog you have! Good on you!

Emma Dalloway said...

Thanks for dropping by Ian.

I'' have a bit of a scan around for others, otherwise yes, I suppose you'll be my only link under Australian Haiku.

Funny to think we may be the only ones.